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Lifestyle change Vs fad Diets.

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Do you ever feel overwhelmed by everything you read in a magazine, see on social media or hear on TV about weight loss? I made a decision to do some research on diets and find a lot more about this subject!  When making a lifestyle change it need to be within our limits, reachable to live for a lifetime, and doable within our budget! It’s not one size fits all!
It needs to be called “lifestyle with balance”  instead of using the term “weight loss.”

How can you take pleasure in life if you’re on a diet all the time? Is that a way to live? how do we show our children about healthy routines and take pleasure in life at the same time, if we don’t do it ourselves?   Are you allowing social media, magazines and TV to influence you on how to live and eat., Don’t let the number on the scale figure out what we must look like?
I think balance is the way to a delighted life filled with joy.

We put unnecessary anxiety our bodies with diets.  The research has shown that lots of weight loss diets, fad shake diets, etc. are not a balanced and healthy way of losing weight.  It doesn’t foster lifelong healthy habits.  Although, they have become a popular part of the health industry. Why is that?  people want a quick fix and the creators of the diet typically create a popular or fad diet simply to make money off of you. It feels overwhelming at times, diets that pledge to help you lose weight to the ones that can lead to FLASE hope that losing weight is magically LIFE CHANGING! All they do is deprive you of life, happiness in your heart and food you enjoy.  They don’t show you how to add healthy habits  or how to budget a healthy lifestyle into your life. The reason I know so much about fad diets vs. making a lifestyle change, is that I learned from own my experience.  As a young girl, I had an eating disorder, which then lead me into the yo-yo  dieting roll coaster. In 2013, I made a decision it was enough of this up and down roller coaster I was on.  I wanted a lifestyle that was a lot more focused on being  mindful and thoughtful around a healthy and fit lifestyle. This is when Sassy mommy fitness was created!

In my own experience I learned that  “fad diets”  can result in momentary weight loss, but can lead to malnutrition and subsequent weight gain!  It causes you to lose the lack of control in your life and body, always feelings deprived of life, always feeling hungry and always feeling frustrated.  You are always checking out the number on the scale!  It’s like an eating disorder, but the only in a difference is you’re eating, you’re counting calories, replacing meals with shakes or following a meal plan.  You keep plugging away until you lose the weight, but what happens after you’re done? Did  it show it you how to live a healthy and fit lifestyle? Did it supply you long-term support, and help supply a program the will help show you about taking small steps to smart change? Did it give you freedom to take pleasure in life? Did it bring the best version of yourself? If not, lets talk about being  aware of dietary restrictions.

You need to be aware of the dietary restrictions that come along with the diet that you’re choosing. If the diet is low calorie, a fad shake diet, counting calories etc., your hormones and metabolism can get out of balance because your body needs proper nutrients to run appropriately and stay healthy. think of food as your fuel, your body needs a certain amount of  calories a day so it can function appropriately at a cellular level. It supplies each cell in your body the nutrients it needs to function and help fight against disease. Your cells work a lot more optimally with compatible nutrients.  In turn this helps the body become a battling machine. It will help keep health problem and disease at bay.  It’s crucial to eat the recommended number of calories based on your age, height, sex and level of exercise. You can locate crucial apps on your phone, to help keep your body at its recommended weight.

The dieting world can consist of people depriving themselves of food that they would usually like to eat in their daily lives. Diets give you a timeline and when your diet is done you resort back to your old habits, which causes the weight to come back, plus some.  Again, I emphasize unless you permanently change your eating and exercise routines these diets typically lead you back tokde si začal. Nič sa nezmenilo a vy ste sa nič nenaučili. Zlyhali ste pri svojej strave a teraz máte z tejto stravy väčšiu váhu!
Preto zmena životného štýlu má oveľa väčší zmysel. Musí vám ukázať a ukázať, ako urobiť malé kroky k inteligentným zmenám a ako dosiahnuť, aby sa zmestil na váš životný štýl a rozpočet. Vaše ciele musia byť dosiahnuteľné a musíte si byť schopní udržať si ho na celý život. Podľa výskumu môže iba päť percent dieterov úspešne udržať váhu po diéte. Mnoho dieterov znovu získa tretinu hmotnosti, ktorú stratili pri diéte do jedného roka od odchodu z stravy. Takmer všetka váha, ktorú stratili, je späť do troch až piatich rokov. Osoba zvyčajne skončí ťažší ako predtým, ako pokračovala v „diéte“. Dúfam, že keď sa rozhodnete ísť na stravu, že prehodnotíte svoju techniku ​​a získate ideálnu podporu, ktorú potrebujete.

Sassy Mommy Fitness Mission je slúžiť matkám, ktoré chcú oživiť svoju myseľ, telo a život bez diéty. Snažím sa umožniť ženám zažiť svoj život s oveľa ľahšou, milosťou a šťastím v každom dni! A ukážte vám, ako vytvoriť životný štýl, ktorý vyhovuje vášmu životu a rozpočtu! Priznajme si to, nie je to jedna veľkosť. Sassy Mommy Fitness je online fitness & Health Studio- so živými inštruktormi fitness a inštruktorom zdravotnej kondície Giordana Toccaceli, takže vám môžeme poskytnúť neustálu podporu!

Triedy fitness a koučovanie v oblasti zdravia sú hosťované naživo online v pohodlí vášho domova, kancelárie alebo hotela.

Sassy Mommy Fitness Tip; Predtým, ako vstúpite do akéhokoľvek programu na chudnutie atď. Odporúčame vám milovať seba a svoje telo a prestaňte porovnávať seba a svoje telo s ostatnými. Musíte sa cítiť pohodlne a sexy vo svojej pokožke a žiť v súčasnosti, aby ste sa mohli tešiť zo základných vecí v živote!

Odkaz na tento príspevok: zmena životného štýlu vs. diéta FAD.
Súvisiace príznaky, že zažívate nadmernú únavu


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